Browsing: FERS

Q. I had 10 years of employment covered under CSRS, then resigned. I came back in 2007 under FERS. I also have two years, five months and 21 days military service. Would it be to my benefit to change to CSRS offset. I plan on retiring May 2015 when I will be 62 with 20 years of service. A. You can’t change your coverage now. You are a FERS employee who will have a CSRS component in his annuity. If your active-duty service was performed before you first became a federal employee (or while you were covered by CSRS), you…

Q. I am a GS-1811 Special Agent with four years until my FERS retirement in 2018 at age 62 (I was “grandfathered in” at age 42). And I have also bought back 12 years of military service time. I failed a PIP due to my ADD/ADHD & depression, and I was recently served with a Notice of Proposed Removal as an 1811. I am in a 3-agent office, four hours away from our Resident Office, and there are no non-1811 jobs available to me in my office’s area. Because I am considered disabled per the ADA guidelines, and the NOPR…

Q. I have been permanent part time as a TSO with the TSA for approximately 10 years and have been enrolled in FERS and Blue Cross/Blue Shield for all of my employment. Will I be allowed to carry my health insurance into retirement when I retire at 62 or do you have to be full time?

Q. I’m under FERS, and my service computation date is Nov. 26, 1983. A co-worker in my organization has a SCD of Nov. 7, 1983, and is under CSRS. What is the SCD cutoff date for FERS vs. CSRS? A. As a rule, employees who were first hired before Dec. 31, 1983, are covered by CSRS. To review that requirement and other details which might affect your situation, go to If you meet the qualifications to be covered by CSRS, you’ll need to go to your personnel office and ask them to help you process your claim under the…

Q. I’m a law enforcement officer with 16 years federal service. I also have three years federal service (non-LEO).  I’m looking at deferred retirement next year with 20 years of federal service and being able to draw my retirement at age 60, I’m currently 52. According to all I have read, the following would be how I calculate the income. Base pay  80,000 X 17years X 1.7 for law enforcement. Base pay 80,000 X 3 years X 1 for non-law enforcement federal service. I have bought back 13 years prior military service but not sure where this counts. Could you…

Q. Is it possible to buy back military service credit even if I am not currently employed by the government? I may at some future date return to federal service, but not for several more years. My concern is that I would like to purchase my military service credit before I retire from the Army Reserve (one to two more years). My understanding is that once I retire from military service, I am no longer eligible to purchase military service credit. If it is possible to do this, who would I contact to begin the process? I was a FERS-covered…

Q. If I retire with MRA and 30, can I waive the special retirement supplement and draw the increased annuity at 62? A. Even if you waived the special retirement supplement — which I don’t think is possible — it would have no affect on your FERS annuity. That annuity is set on the day you retire and doesn’t change until you reach age 62 and are first eligible for a cost-of-living adjustment.

Q. I am FERS employee. I am 60 and this September I will have 29 years of service. Will I be penalized if I retire before I turn 62 and with only 29 years? A. No, you won’t. You can receive an immediate, unreduced annuity at age 60 with as few as 20 years of service.

Q. In the FERS retirement system, do I have to be married at the time of my retirement  to obtain a spousal annuity benefit, or can I get married after I retire and then change my status to spousal annuity? If I am married at the time of retirement and obtain a spousal annuity and later my spouse dies, can I change to the higher nonspousal annuity?

Q. In an article entitled “Calculating CSRS, FERS annuities,” you indicated “that you could also retire early at age 50 with 20 years of service, or, if you have 25 years of service, at any age. I have 27 years and four months of service and I am 50 years old. Am I correct to understand that if I retire now, there would be no age penalty?

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