Browsing: nonfederal employment

Q. I am CSRC, and I retired from the reserves in late 1996. Recently I found out that you can buy active-duty time for training and apply it toward years of service. On My AHR form 249-2-E (chronological statement of retirement points) in column 8, active-duty points, after subtracting the time I bought (Navy active duty and Desert Storm), I have 442 points, or days. Is this time eligible to be bought and applied to my retirement? I am the veterans program manager for my agency in the state of Alabama and the answer to this question will be, and…

Q. If I have 25 years of service and I am 52 and I have health insurance for 15 years, can I take my health insurance with me if I retire this year? Can you go from a federal job to a state job and have your service time go on? Or can you go from a state job to a federal job and have your service time go on? A. Unless your agency offers you an opportunity to retire early, you can’t retire. You don’t meet the age and service requirements to do that. Your federal service wouldn’t be…

Q. I am employed by the state of Massachusetts as an attorney. I am enrolled in our pension system and will be eligible to collect it at age 55. If I left employment with the state of Massachusetts before being eligible for my Massachusetts pension in terms of age and took a job with the federal government as an attorney at the Department of Justice, would I flat out lose my Massachusetts time? Or could I get credit for it under the federal system? In other words, could I “buy back” the state service toward a federal pension? Assuming the…