Browsing: unused annual leave

Q: I read Mr. Jones article in the Nov. 15 issue regarding advantages to retiring in 2010 and 2011. That is a bit early for me; I have to wait until 2013 at a minimum and mostly likely will not retire until 2014 or 2015. My question is, are there any limits on the amount of unused annual leave that one can be reimbursed for upon retirement? I am in the Foreign Service (FERS) and currently maintain a leave ceiling of 360 hours of annual leave. If I do not take any annual leave in my retirement year, that could…

Q: I’m a Federal Employees Retirement System employee who is about to take three-plus years’ leave without pay from my job to serve with an overseas international organization. What are the rules regarding unused annual leave?  I plan to return to this job upon completion of the overseas posting.  Can I cash in my days now? Will they be returned if I don’t use them, or may I use them after commencing my overseas post, in effect starting the other job while on “LWOP-leave”? A: You cannot cash in your unused annual leave when you go on LWOP, nor may…

Q: I plan on retiring Dec. 3. I am a Civil Service Retirement System employee. Can I delay my lump-sum payment for unused annual leave until January 2011? A: In most cases, lump-sum payments are made at the same time that an agency closes out an employee’s file and authorizes a final check covering his last days on the payroll. You’ll have to check with your payroll office to learn when they expect that to happen.