Q: Can you please explain the process for deferred retirement under the Federal Employees Retirement System? If I decide to retire from federal government service early (with 25 or more years of service, but not the age) and defer retirement benefits, is the annuity when received not reduced? Also, if I move to another government system (e.g, state or local government), could I continue to receive my federal annuity when eligible at 56 years of age?
A: Any employee leaving government before being eligible to retire can apply for a deferred retirement at a later date. If the employee has at least five years of service but fewer than 20, they can apply at age 62. If, like you, they have at least 20 years but fewer than 30, they can apply at age 60. Former employees who have at least 30 years of service can apply at their minimum retirement age (MRA). In every case, the deferred retirement annuity will be based on their years of service and high-3 on the day they left government. The age reduction factor only applies to those who retire under the MRA+10 provision.