Q: I am a Federal Employees Retirement System dual-status federal technician in the Army National Guard. I am looking at a possible involuntary separation because of losing my dual status (nonmedical related) later this year. I am 45 years old with 12 years of federal service. Would I qualify for any type of involuntary separation/disability annuity payment?
A: You would be eligible for disability retirement if you are separated due to a disability that disqualifies you from membership in a reserve component of the armed forces or from holding the military grade required for such employment; you aren’t appointed to another position in the federal government; and you haven’t declined a reasonable offer of another position in your agency.
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Note: As dual status technician if you have both 50 years of age and 25 years of creditable service, you will not qualify for a disability, but a dicountined service retirement. The special provisions put you under 5 USC 8414 (c).