Q. I retired on Jan. 2, 2010, with 219.75 hours annual leave under CSRS with over 45 years of service at GS9, Step 10 for over 20 years at that step. DFAS said I should be paid 62.25 hours at a 31.05 salary rate and 157.5 hours at a 32.27 salary rate. I disagree but they said it was correct. I feel my annual leave should be paid out at the 2010 salary rate for GS9, Step 10.
Also, can you answer the legality of receiving base pay times 26 pay periods that is short a couple hundred dollars instead of the salary on the salary table for that year?
A. Because the 2010 pay increase was effective on Jan. 3, 2010, all your hours of unused annual leave should have been paid at the 2010 rate. That’s because annual leave is always projected forward as if you were still on the payroll. Based on what you’ve written, there would be no basis for part of your annual leave to be paid at one rate and the rest at another. The annual rate on a pay table is an approximation. The actual basic pay you receive during a 12-month period is what you are entitled to. It may be the same, a little more or a little less than what’s on the pay table.