Use of leave before retirement


Q: What are the terminal leave provisions for the last pay period prior to retirement? Is it not possible to use one’s accumulated annual leave (either all or some) instead of receiving the annual leave payment after separation?

A: The federal government doesn’t have any terminal leave provisions. The only way you can take annual leave in any amount is if you apply for it and your request is approved by your supervisor.


About Author

Reg Jones was head of retirement and insurance policy at the Office of Personnel Management. Email your retirement-related questions to

1 Comment

  1. Mary Lou Soffer on

    We frequently get questions about terminal annual leave, and we always refer individuals to the Comptroller General decision dated 1/11/45 (B-46683, 24 Comp. Gen 511) which states that “terminal annual or vacation leave may not be granted immediately prior to separation from the service in any case where it is known in advance that the employee is to be separated from the service.”

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