

Q. I’m turning 65 in September (I’ve been retired under CSRS for seven years).  I’m confused about what happens to my curent coverage under Blue Cross/Blue Shield. I’ve been told I have to sign up for Medicare Part B . What’s the relationship between the two? Also, my husband (over 65) has never had coverage under Medicare Part A as he’s always used my BC/BS. Will my going under Medicare affect him?

A.  You do not have to sign up for Medicare Part B unless you want to. However, before making a decision, I suggest that you pull out your FEHB plan brochure and turn to the section titled “When you have the Original Medicare Plan (Part A, Part B, or both)” to learn about the interaction between  Medicare and your plan. As for your husband, if he is age 65 or older and doesn’t have Medicare, he should read the section titled “When you are age 65 or over and do not have Medicare.” If he is age 65 and eligible for Medicare Part A (or will be eligible when he reaches age 65), he should enroll. He has already paid for it and there are no further costs associated with receiving its benefits.

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