Q: I work on retirement benefits for employees. My question concerns intermittent employment for which the employee paid into FICA and wants the time to be counted toward service history for retirement. This work was performed in the late 1960s and the employee is under CSRS. I read somewhere that non-deduction service under CSRS will count toward retirement, even if the deposit is not paid. My concern is, whether OPM will accept the documentation that I have for proof of the intermittent employment. In order for OPM to accept the intermittent time worked for retirement, will the time accounted for from the SF-50s be sufficient (so that time can be counted by days) or does HR need to actually report the number of hours worked during the intermittent appointment? I am unable to find the exact number of hours worked during the intermittent appointment.
A: As a rule, OPM accepts the information on the SF-50s.