Q. I am in the process of filing for FERS retirement. I currently have 30 years of civil service (GS-11), which includes three years and seven months of military service. I am being told by human resources that they cannot include the three years military time for Retirement Annuity Computation because I receive a check each month from the Veterans Affairs Department for a 30 percent disability rating (service-connected disability). Also, my leave and earnings statement (LES) shows that I have repaid the military time. I have sent human resources a letter from VA showing that I was removed from the temporary disability retired list and discharged from naval service for physical disability with severance pay of $7,971 in 1986. I am not always sure human resources has all the answers. Will my military time count toward my retirement annuity when the Office of Personnel Management receives my package?
A. Yes, since you made a deposit, OPM will give you full credit for that period of active-duty service.