Q. I’m an electronic technician with the Postal Service and applied for a electronic technician position with the FAA. If I were offered the job, would my time carry over? If my current pay is between the pay scales, is it matched to what I currently make? Since I’m already a federal employee, I wouldn’t need to go through probation again, right? Where can I find out the pay scales and how much annual and sick leave are accrued? Should I know or consider any other information?
A. Your years of service, leave accrual rate and TSP investments would transfer to the new job. If you are enrolled in the FEHB or FEGLI programs, they would transfer too. What you would be paid depends on the grade of the position you are hired to fill. You’ll have to check with agency you are considering joining. The pay schedules for each grade and area are at www.opm.gov/oca/12tables/index.asp.