Q. I retired from the Department of Justice/Drug Enforcement Agency on Dec. 29. I was expecting the payment for my accrued annual leave to come in the same check as my final pay period, but it did not. Does it come in a separate direct deposit? How long does it normally take to process?
A. An annual leave payment isn’t included in an employee’s final paycheck. That check is based on your having completed two weeks of work in a pay status. The annual leave check will be paid after your retirement application results in the termination of your government employment.
I retired from Dept. of Commerce on Dec. 31, 2015 but my last day of work was Dec. 23rd. I still haven’t received my leave payout. I’ve been told by HR that it could take 2 the 3 months. Is this true? I can understand my actual OPM Civil Service taking that long but my leave payout?
Because that payment is processed by your agency and paid by the Treasury Department, there is no reason why it should take 2 to 3 months.