Alternative annuity and taxes


Q. Years ago, at a retirement seminar, an instructor said that if a retiring employee has a debilitating or terminal illness, they can retire and be paid a lump sum equal to all of the payments they made into CSRS. There is a reduction to the annuity for this payment. Any credence to the statement? If it is true, is the lump sum taxable immediately? If taxable, does the retiree get to take a 10 percent tax write-off for each year he collects an annuity, as regular retirees?

A. What you are referring to is the alternative form of annuity. It allows employees with a life expectancy of less than two years to receive a lump-sum payment of the contributions they have made to the retirement system.

To find out which conditions provide prima facie evidence of a life-threatening condition, go to Since the lump-sum payment would be a return of retirement contributions, which have already been taxed, there wouldn’t be any tax consequences.


About Author

Reg Jones was head of retirement and insurance policy at the Office of Personnel Management. Email your retirement-related questions to

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