Law enforcement covered position and retirement pay calculations


Q. I started my federal service in 1982 under CSRS in a noncovered position.

Soon after 9/11, my position was shifted to a law enforcement officer covered CSRS 6C position.

I have to retire in 2021 because I will have completed 20 years of the LEO position and will be forced out due to my age. How do I calculate my retirement? Is all of my time considered covered? As an LEO, I also get administratively uncontrollable overtime, plus Fair Labor Standards Act provisions for the first two AUO hours worked. Our group works an average of three to four hours of AUO daily. Will this pay also be included in the retirement?

A. If you have 20 years of covered service, the more generous annuity formula will be used to calculate their value. Any other years, whether covered or noncovered, will be calculated using the standard formula. How much of your AUO and FLSA pay will be included in determining your high-3 is something you’ll need to ask your payroll office. It will be the amount from which retirement deductions are taken.


About Author

Reg Jones was head of retirement and insurance policy at the Office of Personnel Management. Email your retirement-related questions to

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