Q. I am an Air Force retiree who has 13 years as a federal employee. I am eligible for MRA+10 on March 24. If I apply to retire, how long does it take to process my application for approval or what is the earliest date I can actually resign? I am considering a private sector job and they want to start in 30-45 days.
A. When you fill out the Standard Form 3107, Application for Immediate Retirement, you’ll put the date you are retiring in Section B2. It doesn’t matter how long it takes to process your application, that’s your last day of employment. I suggest that you inform your management well in advance and give your personnel office time to review the 3107 to make sure that everything is in order. Note: Since you’ll be retiring under the MRA+10 provision, you have the option of accepting an immediate annuity, which will be reduced by 5 percent for every year you are under age 62, or postponing the receipt of your annuity to a later date to reduce or eliminate the age penalty.