Q. I’m a rehired annuitant paying into CSRS.
The first time I retired, I had 44 years of service and received a refund of the overpayment I had paid into CSRS. I have been re-employed for the last 10 years and have paid into the CSRS again. Upon my next retirement, will I get a refund of the money I have paid into the system or just a recalculation of my pension?
A. What would happen is controlled by the 80 percent limit on the amount of annuity you can receive based on your highest three consecutive years of basic pay. If there hasn’t been any change, you’ll receive a refund of your retirement contribution, just as you did when you first retired.
However: If, in the recomputation of your annuity, you would be entitled to an increase to reach the 80 percent limit, you’d receive a new annuity amount and a refund of any contributions above that level.