Q. I am on military leave without pay on presidential recall orders. I was promoted to GS-12, Step 1 a few months prior to being mobilized on military orders. If I’m involuntarily extended on military orders for three years then return to my civilian employment and request deferred annuity, would my high-3 be based on GS-12 Step 1 that I held for a few months prior to being mobilized? Based on my career GS level, can you tell me my current high 3?
2000-2006 = GS-8, Step 6
2007 = GS-7, Step 8
2008 =GS-5, Step 10
2009 =GS-7, Step 8
2009-2011 = Presidential Recall Orders, Mobilized
2011 = GS-11, Step 3
2011-2012 = GS-12, Step 1 (for a few months)
2012-current = Presidential Recall Orders, Mobilized
A. I cannot tell you what your high-3 would be. I can tell you that it would be based on your highest three consecutive years (78 pay periods) of average basic pay.