Q. I have 22 years of service under FERS and 10 years under straight CSRS before 1977. I will be 64 this month. The windfall elimination provision chart on the Social Security site estimates the WEP reduction based on age 62 (and the number of years paying into Social Security at that age).
Does that mean that no matter how many more years I work, the WEP reduction will remain as it would have been at age 62 and less than 20 years paying into Social Security? Does it also mean the extra years worked will not count toward reducing the WEP reduction? I called Social Security, but the agent was not sure.
A. The windfall elimination provision is applied at age 62 if you are retired or when you retire if it’s after age 62. To quote the Social Security Administration, “If your retirement benefits start after full retirement age or your noncovered pension starts later than your eligibility year, the WEP reduction may be greater than the maximum shown in the chart.”