Q. I will have 25 years of federal service at 66 years of age on Jan. 19, 2014. Would it be better to retire on Jan. 31, 2014, if the sole consideration is reducing the wait for being entered on the annuity roll? My understanding that I would be placed on the roll on Feb. 1, 2014. Is this correct?
A. Because you are a FERS-covered employee, the closer to the end of a month you retire, the shorter the delay will be between retiring and being on the annuity roll. If you retire on Friday, Jan. 31, 2014, you’ll be on the annuity roll Feb. 1. Note: Since the leave year ends Jan. 11, 2014, if you retire after that date and have any accumulated annual leave that exceeds 240 hours, those excess hours will be deleted and not included in your lump-sum annual leave payment.