SRS and reductions, COLA


Q. I am 58 and have 23 years of service with the IRS. Two items I have yet to see specifically addressed on the special retirement supplement are: Will my FERS retirement benefits be reduced or lower in any way if I draw the SRS? Also, the amount of the SRS is fixed on the day it is first calculated and isn’t increased by cost-of-living adjustments. Is the non-SRS portion of a FERS employee’s retirement pay still subject to cost-of-living adjustments when the employee is drawing the SRS?

A. As a rule, FERS retirees don’t receive cost-of-living increases on their special retirees supplements, nor do they receive them on their annuities until they reach age 62. Note: Special category employees, such as law enforcement officers and firefighters, and disability retirees receive COLAs regardless of the age at which they retire. Disability retirees aren’t entitled to SRSs.


About Author

Reg Jones was head of retirement and insurance policy at the Office of Personnel Management. Email your retirement-related questions to

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