Q. I have 29 years of federal service and am 50 and under FERS.
If I am involuntarily separated by a reduction in force at age 50, do I get the FERS Social Security bridge along with my Discontinued Service Retirement, or do I have to wait until I turn 56 to collect the bridge portion of my retirement? Does this start automatically with the DSR, or do I have to apply for the bridge with SSA when I am 56?
A. If you retire, you’ll be eligible for the special retirement supplement when you reach your minimum retirement age, 56. On the other hand, if you simply separate from the service, you won’t be entitled to an annuity until you apply for a deferred retirement at age 60, and you won’t be entitled to the special retirement supplement.
I am still unclear about the Special Supement and the minimum retirement age. I am 47 years old and have 29 years of service. four of those are time that I spent in the Marine Corps which I bought back my time. If I am offered a discontinued retirement, my minimum retirement age is 50 (6c). I am a Special Agent. Do I have to wait until I am 57 for the special supplement to be added on or will I get it immediately under the DSR.
How many years of 6(c) coverage do you have?
I have 24 years of 6c coverage
It’s not clear what would happen if you accepted a discontinued service retirement. Your best bet is to wait until you have 25 years of 6(c) coverage and retire on an immediate annuity. That way the special retirement supplement would begin at once.