PCS and leave without pay


Q. It’s permanent change of station time for me again as a military spouse. My current command is saying they will only grant 90 days of leave without pay and, if I don’t find employment within 90 days, they will process my resignation 50.

This is the first time a command has said they would only grant 90 days of LWOP. In the past, it has been two six-month LWOP 50s, which I never used. And 150-day increments which I also did not use up.

I’m concerned about not being able to find employment within 90 days due to the hard/soft hiring freeze and that we are PCSing to Newport, R.I., which doesn’t have a large DoD presence. Can you please provide the guidance on what length of LWOP I can or can’t be granted?

A. According to OPM, “Leave without pay is a temporary nonpay status and absence from duty that, in most cases, is granted at the employee’s request. In most instances, granting LWOP is a matter of supervisory discretion and may be limited by agency internal policy.” It appears that your agency’s internal policy has changed since you last went on LWOP.


About Author

Reg Jones was head of retirement and insurance policy at the Office of Personnel Management. Email your retirement-related questions to fedexperts@federaltimes.com.

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