Q. Do they ever have an open season on life insurance? Are you allowed to ever change anything other than open season-like options, amounts, etc.? Do you know of any open seasons coming up?
A. According to the Office of Personnel Management, “FEGLI life insurance open seasons are extremely rare and none are currently scheduled. Your agency and OPM’s website will announce when there is a life insurance open season coming up. The most recent FEGLI open seasons were held in 2004 and 1999.
“Outside of an open season, eligible employees can enroll or increase their coverage by taking a physical exam or with a Qualifying Life Event. For more information about the physical exam, please see SF 2822.
“FEGLI life events are marriage, divorce, death of spouse, or acquisition of an eligible child. With a life event, you can enroll or increase coverage in Basic, Option A, up to five multiples of Option B, and/or up to five multiples of Option C. You must submit an SF 2817 to your human resources office within 60 days after the life event.”