Q. I was employed as a primary law enforcement (6(c) covered position) for 14 years. I paid 1.7 percent into FERS during that time. I left that position and went to a noncovered position, which is a regular FERS retirement 1 percent. When I spoke to human resources, nobody could give me an answer to what happens to the 0.7 percent, which was taken out for 14 years. Granted, I was told that the 0.7 percent would be held until retirement in case I decided to go back to 6(c) covered position, and I would be credited the time and money toward that retirement. Now that I’m getting close to retirement, I’ll have 33 years at age 56 in four years. How does the 0.7 percent figure into the retirement? Since I “overfunded” my FERS “regular” retirement by 0.7 percent for 14 years, would I receive a lump-sum check for 0.7 percent, as an overage payment into the retirement system? Receive credit in time? Or just plain lose it?
A. No, you wouldn’t receive a lump-sum payment. No, you wouldn’t receive extra service credit. Yes, you would lose it.