Converting state service time to federal service time


 Q. I am a state worker in Ohio who is considering employment at the Veterans Affairs Department. I have 9½ years of state service time. Can this state service time be converted to federal service time if I were to gain employment at VA?

I also have five years of state service time that I can purchase through a state university I taught at while obtaining my graduate degree many years ago. Can this time, if purchased, be converted to federal service time? Is there any type of program available to aid federal workers (e.g., VA employees) with financial help to purchase past service time?

A. Neither your state service nor your university time can be converted to federal service. Even if it were, there isn’t any program to help employees to make a deposit for their prior service.


About Author

Reg Jones was head of retirement and insurance policy at the Office of Personnel Management. Email your retirement-related questions to



    Q. I am a state worker in Ohio who is considering employment at the Veterans Affairs Department. I have 9½ years of state service time. Can this state service time be converted to federal service time if I were to gain employment at VA?

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