Q. I am a dual status federal technician in the National Guard facing a Non-Duty Related Medical Board. I am 51 years of age with 11 years of active duty time that I bought back, so now I have just over 20 years guard time for points and fed tech time for retirement. I was told that since I’m over 50 with 20 years of creditable service that I would not get a disability retirement on the technician side with or without the medical evaluation board. Is this true, or am I still eligible for disability retirement?
A. You wouldn’t be eligible for early retirement, which would require that you be at least age 50 and have 25 years of service. You would be eligible for disability retirement if you were separated due to an disability that disqualified you for membership in a reserve component. For confirmation, go to http://www.opm.gov/retirement-services/publications-forms/csrsfers-handbook/c046.pdf and scroll to Section 46B4.1-2.