Social Security disability


Q. I have been retired since Dec. 26, 2014. Since retiring I filed for disability and have just received it. I’d like to know what the breakdown is in pay I’ll be receiving. Social Security disability has already given me an amount and I’m 58 years old. I’m in FERS and have been receiving a check every month for my retirement. The amount I was given from Social Security disability is more, but does this include my supplements? Also, will I have to pay my life insurance and health insurance, or is it included in the amount quoted every month by disability?

A. Because you applied for and were approved for a Social Security disability benefit after you retired, you’ll be able to receive it and your FERS annuity without a reduction in either. While you’ll be entitled to the FERS special retirement supplement when you reach you minimum retirement age, there isn’t any Social Security supplement, regardless of your age. Life and health insurance premiums are already being deducted from your FERS annuity.


About Author

Reg Jones was head of retirement and insurance policy at the Office of Personnel Management. Email your retirement-related questions to


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