Interest on a deposit


Q. I am 56 years old and currently working as a Civil Service Retirement System (CSRS) employee. Though my civil service began nearly three decades ago, I am a grey area Army Reservist retiree. I have 24 years of service with 2 periods of Active Duty service with DD 214s for both. I have not bought any of my military time back, which is why my service computation date got pushed back by four years. I see my estimated buy back for the first period of active duty, but I’m not sure how to determine what the interest would be or how much would it increase my civil service CSRS annuity.

A. To find out how much you owe for each period of active duty service, complete Form RI 20-97, Estimated Earnings During Military Service, and mail it to your military finance center, along with copies of your DD Forms 214. Your finance center will let you know what your estimated earnings were. With that in hand, go to your local payroll office along with copies of your DD 214s and a Standard Form 3108, Application to Make Service Credit Payment. They’ll let you know how much you owe. If you decide to make one or both of those deposits, they can set up a payment schedule for you.


About Author

Reg Jones was head of retirement and insurance policy at the Office of Personnel Management. Email your retirement-related questions to

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