About Author

Reg Jones was head of retirement and insurance policy at the Office of Personnel Management. Email your retirement-related questions to fedexperts@federaltimes.com.


    • If you are a CSRS employee, you can retire now. If you are a FERS employee, you’l lhave to wait until you are 56.

  1. Being that you have gone over 30 years of service, you can separate from the government knowing that you have assured your high 3 pension which you will receive when you reach your MRA.

    You can also withdraw equal monthly payments from your TSP and not incur the 10% penalty if the payments extend to a 10 year period.

    Are these two statements correct?

    • If he separates before reaching his MRA, his health and life insurance coverage would end after a 31-day free extension of coverage. He could reenroll when his annuity begins. I’m not qualified to answer question about the TSP.

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