About Author

Reg Jones was head of retirement and insurance policy at the Office of Personnel Management. Email your retirement-related questions to fedexperts@federaltimes.com.


  1. steve curran on

    I was receiving disability retirement from opm,,,,i then applied and we awarded social security disability,,after 2 years on ssd I called them and reported my income from work had gone up,,and they wrote me a letter stating I owed them 13000 because I had gone over the limit on earnings,,and my trial work period had ended in Nov. Thus I was not eligible for ssd,,,.can opm retroactive my opm disability back to November. And pay me for those months,,,if so what is the process? Thanks

    • I checked with OPM and they said that the only way they can answer your question is if you provide them with your CSA number and your phone number. Please send that information to me and I’ll forward it to OPM.

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