Q. Although I’m a FERS disability retiree, I have applied for a full-time job under NAF. Can I do this legally? I am willing to not receive my disability pay, as little as it is, and my doctor said I can work with no problems.
A. If you continue to be disabled, you can go back to work, earn up to 80 percent of the current rate of basic pay for your former position, and continue to receive your disability annuity. However, if you have recovered from your disability, which you’ll have to report to OPM, your disability annuity will end and you’ll be able to earn as much as you want. Note: Should your disability recur and your earnings fall below 80 percent, your disability annuity could be reinstated.
My question in this case would be if NAF employment is treated the same as FERS/CSRS regarding federal reemployment? Assuming the disability cont8nues to exisist, does NAF meet the definition of Federal Reemployment — and therefore termination of annuity upon employment— or does one need to be covered under a civil service retirement program to meet the definition of federal reemployment? The code seems to use the terms interchangeably.
We aren’t able to answer questions involving NAF employment.