Q. Where is it said that an employee has to wait one year before receiving another temporary promoted?
A. According to the Office of Personnel Management: “An employee serving on a noncompetitive temporary promotion is limited to 120 days in a 52-week time period. However, the employee may receive another noncompetitive temporary promotion to a different position within that time period. Regulations governing temporary promotions are found in title 5 Code of Federal Regulations 335.103. Agencies may also place limits on noncompetitive temporary promotions in agency policies and agreements with unions. Each agency should be contacted for any additional agency-specific requirements.”
We have an employee who was non-competitively temporarily promoted NTE 120 days. Management wants to extend the promotion past the 120 days so that the promotion ends at the end of a pay period. Can the temp promotion be extended for just a few days to pay out the promotion to the end of the pay period if the promotion will exceed the 120 days?
I finally got an answer out of OPM. I’m not sure how much help it will be.
The merit promotion regulations speak to many contingencies, so OPM cannot answer without knowing the specific circumstances involved. OPM recommends that the individual work with human resources at their home agency.
Can you reassign someone who is already on a temporary promotion to another position at that same grade? For example, an employee is promoted to a grade 09 Supervisory position, the work in that position has ended and the agency has work in a similar area at the same grade 09. Can that employee be reassigned to the new grade09 position while still on the temporary promotion, or must they re-compete for the new work?
It all depends on the terms of the position to which he or she is being assigned.