Q. I am a CSRS employee with a period of “post-April 6, 1986” part-time service of about 10 years. During that time, I occasionally worked hours above my scheduled tour of duty. How do I get credit for that time in my retirement annuity? A. The extra hours you worked are already a matter of record and you’ll get credit for them in your annuity computation.
Browsing: part-time
Q. I will have 18 years in FERS and I am 59. My job will be reduced to a part-time position in September and I need to know if I should retire before it gets reduced? Should I take the hit and stay with the part-time position until I turn 60? Will the part time reduce my annuity if I stay for the following six months?
Q. I served three years on active duty from 1966 to 1969. I was hired as a federal employee in 1970. I retired in 2009 at age 61 and not eligible at that time for any Social Security benefits. I did not buy back my military service because of the provision under section 22A5.1-3G of the CSRS/FERS Handbook, where it states that “employees who retired prior to age 62; and are not eligible for Social Security at age 62; continue to receive credit for the post-1956 military service even if they become entitled to Social Security at a later date…
Q. I am a federal air technician with the Air National Guard. I have 34 years in the Guard and 27 years as a federal full-time technician. I am in FERS and have a minimum retirement age of 56. I will be 53 this year. It has been communicated to me that I will probably not be retained this year, meaning that Dec. 31, 2014, I will be involuntarily retired, thus losing my full (technician) and part-time (traditional Guard) employment. When can I begin collecting my retirement pay, Social Security, Thrift Savings Plan? Are there any penalties if I was…
Q. I’m a Defense Department employee who was initially hired part time under CSRS in 1979, but elected to switch to FERS. At that time, I’m not sure if I was refunded the money I put into CSRS. I’m showing eight years of frozen service (with no mention of CSRS Offset), Thrift Savings Plan eligibility date of July 11, 1993, TSP service computation date of Jan. 1, 1984, and TSP status date of July 11, 1993. The first entry I’m seeing in my FERS account is dated Feb. 1, 1988. Am I eligible for a CSRS retirement annuity for the…
Q. I work part time while on federal service. If approved for FERS disability retirement, I understand I can earn up to 80 percent of what was being earned by federal service. Does this take into account military retirement annuity, present earnings from my part-time job performed from home and the amount of the disability annuity? What is taken into account in determining wages/self-employment to ascertain reaching the 80 percent authorized amount?
Q. I received an annuity based on my FERS employment at the Social Security Administration. Am I eligible to apply for part-time employment at a Defense Department commissary?
Q. I am a former federal employee seeking reinstatement. I worked full time for seven years (1990-1997), then worked part time for another two years. During this period, I initially worked 32 hours per week, then cut back to 20 hours per week. I resigned in 1999 to become a full-time parent. At the time I resigned, I was GS-14, Step 3. I had been at the GS-14 level for one year, but part of that time was part time and part was leave without pay after the birth of a child. When calculating years of federal service, is it…
Q. I served 15 years in the Air Force. I started work at the Veterans Affairs Department after that, part time (50 percent) at age 38. I bought back my military time (15 years). When I retire at my minimum retirement age, I will have 34 years, including my military time (19 years FERS part time and 15 yrs active-duty USAF). How will my retirement be calculated?
Q. I am on a disability retirement after 32 years of CSRS service with the Postal Service. I am 59 and have been retired for about nine years. Can I take a job at a state prison working part time in the mail room without jeopardizing my disability retirement?