Q: In March 2012 I will be eligible for full military retirement. I am retired from the Army Reserve and will be 60 in March. I have BCBS. Is there an advantage to maintaining BCBS coverage rather than dropping it and going with Tricare, which would be less expensive? A: Many of those who are eligible for both an FEHB plan and Tricare elect to suspend – not drop – their FEHB coverage. If you were to drop it and then lost Tricare coverage, or found that changes in its structure and benefits made it less appealing, you wouldn’t be…
Browsing: Tricare
Q: Is there a Federal Employees Health Benefit provider that provides care in case something happens while traveling overseas? What happens to my insurance if I leave federal service for a year and do something else? Can I still pay and keep my health benefits? A: Every FEHB plan has a section in its brochure that explains what it will cover if you live or travel outside the U.S. and Puerto Rico. As to your other question, if you were to leave government, you would receive a 31-day extension of coverage at no cost to yourself. During that time, you…
Q: I am a retired federal employee and currently have health care coverage under one of the Federal Employee Health Benefits plans. I recently found out that I have multiple myeloma. I am also a Vietnam veteran, and after learning of my diagnosis, I found out that any Vietnam veteran who served on the ground in Vietnam between 1962 and 1975 and later developed certain diseases, including multiple myeloma, is presumed to have been exposed to Agent Orange herbicide and would be entitled to free health care for those diseases through the Veterans Affairs Department health care system. However, much…