Q. I’m in the MRA+10 category. If I leave government and apply for a postponed annuity, when can I enroll in FEHB? And, if so, would it be only after receiving an annuity or only during Open Season? A. When you apply for your postponed annuity, let OPM know that you want to re-enroll in the FEHB program. Then when you annuity begins. so will your FEHB coverage.
Q. My spouse is sick. I am 59 and have 19 years of service. Can I take early retirement and keep my health insurance and life insurance? A. Yes, you could retire under the MRA+10 provision and continue your health and life insurance coverage, as long as you had been enrolled in them for the five consecutive years before you retire. However, your annuity would be reduced by 5 percent for every year you were under age 62. Alternatively, you could ask your employer to let you work part-time and retire on a penalty-free annuity at age 60.
Q. On the question of dual coverage, who pays first: BCBS or Tricare?
Q. My husband is a civil service employee with 25 years under FERS. Will his health insurance cost be the same when he retires?
Q. Someone at Blue Cross/Blue Shield told me that in order to keep BC/BS insurance I had to have Medicare Part A & Part B. I am a retired federal worker under CSRS.
Q. I am turning 65 in March, and am considering joining a Medicare Advantage Plan. I would suspend my FEHB plan at that time, in case I decide to go back to it. If I decide to re-enroll in my FEHB, I know you have to wait until the next open season, which would be the fall period. But the Advantage Plans have an additional open season in the spring, could I do it then as well? And would it have to be that first open season, or could you still go back, say, the next open season the following…
Q. I have completed the OPM Form RI 79-9 to suspend my FEHB coverage because my wife and I have Medicare Part A & B and we also have TRICARE for Life. I would like to know If I can fax the signed copy of the form to the Office of Personnel Management and, if I can, what the fax number is. Otherwise, what is the address that I can mail the form and supporting documents (copy of the Medicare cards) to?
Q. How do I add dental care without “changing” my standard coverage with BC/BS of Alabama?
Q. I am a FERS retiree and I just went back to work as a contractor. They are telling me that I have to purchase their insurance because BCBS is not an employer health care program. I told them I’m retired and have BCBS for life and pay premiums. If I have to pay for their company insurance, I will be paying over $600 a month in premiums. Is there anything I can do about this?
Q. I resigned from the federal government after 27.5 years of government service. I was 55 years old, and was told because I did not leave at my MRA with 56 years of service, I would not be eligible for FEHB or life insurance. I was planning to initiate my paperwork for retirement at 58 years old. Am I still eligible for medical/life insurance when I apply for retirement at age 58?