Q. I have worked for the Department of Veterans Affairs for 25 years, and I have always has Self Plus One coverage (no dependents). For several years I’ve been enrolled in the AvMed self and family health plan because it didn’t have the option for a Self Plus One plan. After realizing the increased premium, I asked human resources about it, who said OPM created a Self Plus One option in 2015. Since there is only one additional member (my spouse) who has legally used my health benefits, I am requesting a refund for the difference in premiums paid over the past…
Q. I’ll retire in December 2016 with 30 years at the U.S. Postal Service. I don’t want to keep my basic life insurance. If I cancel that, will my FEHB benefits also be canceled?
Q. I am a federal retiree on Medicare parts A and B, and I also have Geha — a standard option that covers parts of my prescription costs. I was thinking about getting Medicare Part D just to be safe. I was told that if I sign up for Medicare Part D, then Geha will drop me. Is this a fact?
Q. Can I cancel my current FEHB plan and enroll in a private insurance plan if the FEHB plans do not meet my needs?
Q. I am FERS and eligible to keep my medical insurance after retirement. Do I need to enroll my husband before retirement in order for him to qualify, or can I enroll him at an open season after retirement if insurance is needed? By the same token, if he is enrolled before I retire, can I take him off my plan at open season after retirement if he no longer needs insurance?
Q. I have a friend who retired from civil service in 2012, who was 66 and passed away unexpectedly. I am trying to find out who his wife can contact to receive his insurance policy. I ,too, am a retiree and am not aware of who my wife should contact in the case of my death.
Q. I am a retired U.S. Postal Service employee. I work another job full time but maintain my federal Blue Cross Blue Shield coverage. I am now married, effective with the same-sex marriage law. My spouse, who is 70, also works full time and has BCBS through his employment. When he retires, can I add him to my insurance as he does not have any health insurance benefit other than Medicare? What would be the cost? Would/could we both have Medicare and BCBS?
From Nov. 11 through Dec. 9, employees, retirees, and survivors who are enrolled in the Federal Employees Health Benefits (FEHB) program can once again take advantage of their annual opportunity to decide which health benefits plan or option they want to be covered by in the next calendar year. And employees who aren’t already enrolled will have a chance to sign up.
Q. Why does anybody sign up for Part B? For me, I could be wasting over $2,000 a year if I sign up for Part B, and it would be helpful to know why anybody would do that. It’s the “to B or not to B” question.
Q. I’m a CSRS retiree and with Kaiser Permanente. I signed up with Medicare and received my card from Social Security saying I’m covered under parts A and B. I just sent in my first check for $345 for September, October and November. Do I still pay Kaiser the $120 a month for health care, or will that monthly withdrawal stop automatically from my retirement check? If not, who do I call to stop this payment?