Q. Can I retire at 50 with 25 years of service? I am not at my minimum retirement age, but in order to keep my health benefits, I would take the 5 percent per year that would reduce my annuity by 50 percent. Is this possible?
Browsing: MRA
Q. I am currently 52 years old with 32 years in the U.S. Postal Service. I am being offered a VERA. Am I eligible to receive the FERS supplement at my current age?
Q. If I am terminated from my position for performance, will I be eligible for a Discontinued Service Retirement? I am age 53 (54 next month) with 28 years of service including military payback for those years served. Will I also be eligible for the special retirement supplement once I reach my MRA?
Q. If I retire when I’m 52 years old and 30 years of service, can I get the FERS Special Retirement Supplement when my MRA is reached at 56 and 6 months?
Q. I want to defer my retirement and get out at 50/20. It’s my understanding that if I wait until 60 to claim my retirement, I will retire with full benefits as if I had waited until the minimum retirement age of 56 years and 8 months. Is this true?
Q. If I resign from the government, am I required to leave my money in the retirement fund to be eligible for a deferred annuity at age 60 (to avoid the age reduction)? I want to transfer my retirement fund to my own securities personal bank. To be eligible for an early out, do you have to be at your minimum retirement age?
Q. I am 56, but only have six years of government service time. Even though I’ve worked for a U.S. government agency for 31 years, only my time with government service counts toward retirement. Would I be allowed to leave the government before my minimum retirement age and take a deferred annuity at age 62? If this is possible, would I be able to keep my medical coverage?
Q. I’m 24 years retired from the military and currently a federal employee under FERS. The Employee Benefits Information System reflects I am eligible for MRA+10 by December 2024. By then, I am 56 years old. Will I be illegible for SRS if I retire at my minimum retirement age?
Q. I am a GERS employee with the U.S. Postal Service. I have 18 years of service and will reach my minimum retirement age next year. Would it make sense to retire and take the annuity, or postpone it until I’m 60 or 62? I can be covered under my husband’s insurance.
Q. I am retiring under discontinued service at 54 years old. I will get my FERS annuity, and when I reach my minimum retirement age, the special retirement supplement. I want to work part time. What is the max amount that I can earn? What will be the difference in loss of benefits between a federal job and a nonfederal job?