Q: I am a Federal Employees Retirement System employee. I’m planning to retire in 2011 with 12 years of service at the age of 60 years, 4 months. I would like to know if I am eligible for a special supplement from Social Security. Also, am I subject to a penalty of five percent? A: No, you won’t be eligible for the special retirement supplement. No one who retires under the Minimum Retirement Age+10 provision is eligible for the SRS. Yes, your annuity will be reduced by five percent for every year (5/12 percent per month) that you are under…

Q: I retired from the Army after 24 years, then went to work for the Postal Service for 24 years before I retired from there. After retirement, I put in for disability from the Army, and was awarded 20 percent. They take this 20 percent out of my pay and give me another check for the 20 percent that they took out, which is tax-free. My question is, should I also be getting that 20 percent from my Postal Service retirement check? And what about 20 percent from Social Security? A: No and no. You didn’t retire on disability from…

Q: I am a 45-year-old federal law enforcement officer with 20 years of 1811 service. If I separate from federal service, will I receive a federal annuity, Federal Employees Health Benefits Plan and survivor benefits when I reach the minimum retirement age (MRA)? If not, would I have to re-establish myself as an 1811 for a year and then “retire”? A: If you leave government after completing 20 years of covered service, you can apply for an immediate, unreduced annuity when you reach your MRA. At that time, you’ll be eligible to receive the special retirement supplement that represents the…

Q: My question is regarding Social Security supplements. I am a 50-year-old law enforcement officer who has met my 20 years of civilian government service. I know that when I am eligible to apply for Social Security benefits, I will be asked for proof of my military service (via DD 214). I am being told that if I give Social Security proof of my service at retirement time, I will get extra on my Social Security supplement in the meantime. Is there any truth to that? A: No. The special retirement supplement is based solely on a retiree’s total years…

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