Q. I am 53 and eligible to retire as a GS-1811 FERS employee. All things being equal, I would prefer to work more years toward my mandatory retirement age of 57. If I retire this year, I would continue my Federal Employees Health Benefits coverage into retirement. If I wait until 2014 or later, I would be forced into the Affordable Care Act (“Obamacare”) plan. Do you recommend retiring this year under FEHB or delaying into 2014 or beyond and becoming subjected to Obamacare? And do you know whether current retirees under FEHB will be forced over to Obamacare (or…
Browsing: Special category employee retirement
Q. Is Federal Employees’ Group Life Insurance, survivor benefit and Thrift Savings Plan matching based on GS base pay or firefighter base pay?
Q. I am 58 and have 23 years of service with the IRS. Two items I have yet to see specifically addressed on the special retirement supplement are: Will my FERS retirement benefits be reduced or lower in any way if I draw the SRS? Also, the amount of the SRS is fixed on the day it is first calculated and isn’t increased by cost-of-living adjustments. Is the non-SRS portion of a FERS employee’s retirement pay still subject to cost-of-living adjustments when the employee is drawing the SRS?
Q. I’m a Postal Service employee with 25 years at age 45. If an early-out is offered and I accept, do I get the special retirement supplement at my minimum retirement age, 57?
Q. My wife just resigned from the U.S. Forest Service. She is 44 with more than 20 years of service. Did she lose all of her retirement, or is she still eligible to receive a portion at the reduced rate of 5 percent? She was always in a position covered under firefighter retirement, eligible at 50 to retire. Also, is she still eligible for health benefits?
Q. In 2008, CBP was legally given 6C law enforcement. I retired in 2007 with 19 years of law enforcement experience working for Customs and Border Protection. I was basically forced to retire since the agency informed me that I could no longer perform the essential elements of the job, supervisory CBP officer. They provided me with the job description of a CBP officer — the job description used today providing 6C coverage to all new recruits. I am wondering if I am entitled to 6C retirement coverage since I met and perform the 6C law enforcement duties before my…
Q. I am a federal firefighter under FERS. I have 25 years in position and will reach mandatory retirement age in 4.5 years. I want to stay with the federal program where I work. Is it legal for me to retire from the fire service and move to another government position here at the base where I am employed? If so, where is this in print, or under what regulation? I know in years past this was not allowed unless you came back as a contract employee.
Q. I am 51 and retired with 22 years with the Federal Bureau of Prisons. In our agency, we could retire at age 50 with 20 years of service or at any age with 25 years of service. Our maximum retirement age is 57. I thought I understood from retirement training that in our special circumstances, earnings rules did not apply until we reached age 57, or when we would have been forced to retire. In other words, after early but full eligibility retirement, we could work and we would not be penalized or limited with new income, in that…
Q: I work at Kirtland AFB, N.M. A VERA/VSIP survey was sent out in May 2011 with a suspense date of May 21 to show interest. I completed the survey and received confirmation that it was received. The VERA/VSIP is scheduled for FY 2011/2012. It’s been over a month and I haven’t heard anything. Does your office know any status? A: We haven’t heard a thing.
Q: I entered federal civil service in March 2007 as an Air Reserve technician. I bought back 10 years of military service. I turn 51 in August. I have heard I must retire at age 56 due to being an Air Reserve technician. However, I won’t have 30 years of service. Is this true? A: What you were told was untrue. Go to http://codes.lp.findlaw.com/uscode/10/E/l/1007/10218 and read what the law has to say about mandatory retirement for reserve technicians.