Q. I am a retired federal employee. I have on file a form for designation of beneficiaries on file for my four children for my life insurance. Is there anything I have to do to update that form, since I retired?
Q. My husband is deceased and left me with a survivor annuity. He was a Civil Service Retirement System employee with 42-plus years. I retired at 52 with my own FERS service. When I turned 62 they discontinued my FERS Annuity Supplement. I am planning on starting my Social Security soon. Will I continue to receive his CSRS survivor annuity and my own FERS annuity along with my Social Security? I was told by a friend that I could not have all three. Is this true?
Q. My sister-in-law was a retired civil service employee. She left her husband a survivor benefit. He is now planning to marry again. Will he lose the benefit? He is 72 years old.
Q. My father-in-law has an annuity taken out of his pension for the last 26 years. His wife died in 1998, and to this day he thinks he can’t stop the annuity from coming out of his pension. Is there a law he can turn to that would stop the 10 percent from going out of his pension?
Q. My deceased husband was a retired government employee. We have a notarized divorce agreement that he is giving me his annuities. I remarried before age 55 and did not get the survivors benefit. Will his intent to leave me his pension for our children, even when they are already adult, supersede marriage before 55? I have been divorced for 3 years, so can I be reinstated to collect an annuity?
Q. Back in 1981, my wife and I decided, due to the birth of our second child, to close out her annuity with the federal government ($2,400). At that time we were not planning on her returning to work. After three years at home, she went back to work under a different job description/retirement program for the federal government. That was 32 years ago. We divorced during that time frame and have both happily remarried. She retired in 2017 and has received a letter advised that she needs to repay the $2,400 plus interest to the tune of around $30,000.…
Q. I am retiring at the end of this year and will be a 30-year FERS annuitant. I expect to receive a FERS pension and Social Security in retirement. My wife only worked part-time and will receive a much smaller amount from Social Security. In the event of my death, what will my wife receive? Will she be able to get my FERS survivor benefit and my Social Security, since it is larger?
Q. If I retired under FERS and elected not to continue FEHB because of coverage from a FERS-employed spouse and she were to die, can I continue my FEHB benefits? I was covered for five years prior to retirement.
Q. I retired from the U.S. Postal Service in 2005. I was under CSRS during that time. When I retired I elected an annuity for my spouse (for after my death). We are getting a divorce. I wanted to know by how much will my annuity increase, and what happens to the money I paid into the death benefit annuity?
Q. I get a survivor monthly check. My husband worked for the U.S. Department of Agriculture for 50 years. He passed away three years ago. What would I get if I remarry?