Q. I was married 13 years to a CSRS federal employee. Upon his death I received the papers to file for benefits; however, I became very sick. Due to my decline in health, I was unable to return the papers. It has been two years. Is it too late to receive the benefits?
Q. I worked for the U.S. Air Force CSRS for many years and retired with a disability due to a car accident. I do receive a CSRS pension and a small Social Security pension. My husband worked for USAF active duty and retired after 30 years, and he passed away last month. He was receiving Social Security and an AF retirement check. The Social Security Administration says I will not get any of his Social Security, only my own small pension, because I receive a CSRS pension. Is this right and, if so, why?
Q. My husband is a retired civil service employee. His first wife died before he retired. he then married me after 8 years of being a widower. Am I entitled to a survivor benefits if (God forbids) he dies first? He said I am only entitled to whatever is left from the money he had contributed while working as federal employee, and he said I will not receive any money from his retirement pension. In order for me to receive his retirement pension, he would have had to pay the government $750 dollars a month. How is this so?
Q. As I understand it, when a retiree’s spouse dies, the retiree needs to notify the Office of Personnel Management. Is the increase in the retiree’s annuity effective at the time of that notice, or is it back-dated to the date of death?
Q. I worked for the government for 36.5 years and paid for survivor benefits under CSRS. My wife worked outside the government and is getting now about $675 per month from Social Security. Would she collect 55 percent of my federal pension and also receive the same amount she is getting now from Social Security? If not, how much would she lose?
Q. When I retired from the U.S. Postal Service in 2010, I elected to purchase a survivor annuity for my spouse. Should I survive my spouse, will I be entitled to any of the funds that I paid for the annuity?
Q. I’ve been married for 17 years. How would I know if I was a beneficiary for my husband’s civil service pension? I know I’m covered with his medical insurance.
Q. Where does it say that there is a two-year time limit on electing a survivor annuity for a new spouse acquired after retirement?
Q. I retired from federal service in 2006 under the CSRS program. My first wife received half my pension until her death. In 2013 I remarried a federal retiree who is under the FERS program. If one of us pass first, will the survivor be eligible for any of our spouse’s pension?
Q. What happens to your own annuity if you elect a survivor annuity? And what happens to your annuity if your spouse dies?