Q. If someone uses the Family and Medical Leave Act beyond the 80 hours leave-without-pay duration, will it delay their within-grade increase date?
Browsing: Leave without pay
Q. I have been an 1811 status (federal agent) federal employee for 16 years. I have been on leave without pay and receiving workers’ compensation for the past year due to an on-the-job injury. I have received little if any guidance from my agency’s HR, as the representatives admit they have little or no experience with workers’ comp. What should I do to maintain the best possible benefits for me and my family if this becomes a long-term/permanent situation and I am not able to return to work? And if I can return to work, how would the time on…
Q. I am an FERS GS with four years until I get my 20 under 6(c) law enforcement officer and a year and half after that until mandatory retirement. I have been offered a 6(c) job overseas — how is the high-3 calculated? Is it on the base level GS schedule (plus LEAP) I actually earn, or is it based on a modified amount of what I would have earned in DC — which is how the overseas postings on Foreign Service retirement seems to work? I am pretty sure all the COLA, post allowances and danger pays don’t calculate…
Q. I am a law enforcement officer who has been out on workers’ compensation since June 2011. My scheduled retirement date is in July with 20 years of service at age 55. I’m being paid partial disability at this time. Since I haven’t been on the job since 2011, did annual and sick leave still accrue? What happens with workers’ comp after retirement?
Q. Processing an individual for immediate retirement with an effective date of Jan. 1, 2013, but realized she was ineligible because she’s not 62 with five years of credible service. So we need to do leave without pay on her to get her past her 62nd birthday. She stopped working Dec. 31. What date do we make the leave without pay date effective? What should the end date be so that she can retire April 1, 2013?
Q. Are there governmentwide rules/regulations that provide clarity regarding the return rights civilian (nonmilitary) federal employees have when returning to their agencies after extended, approved leave without pay, or are agencies responsible for developing and administering their own policies in this area?
Q. A Postal Service employee had to use all his sick and annual leave because of illness. He used leave without pay. When he retired, he was not entitled to benefits. He received only his contributions. Why did he get back only his funds and not the complete package because of LWOP?
Q: I will be on long-term 12 to 18 months of LWOP. Can you tell me the impact on my retirement (FERS), health benefits, life insurance and any taxes due. How do I pay these premiums to continue my benefits in the future, especially when I retire. A: The answers to all your questions except taxes due will be found at www.opm.gov/oca/leave/HTML/LWOP_eff.asp. For the tax question, you’ll have to go to the Internal Revenue Service.
Q: I have been employed in law enforcement for the past 13 years. Early in my career, I was ill and had leave without pay for 2 months. If I left the LEO position in seven years for a non-LEO federal position, will I have to take into account the 2 months of LWOP in ensuring I have 20 years in an LEO position? Also, am I correct that I can work 20 years in a LEO position then 4 years in a non-LEO position and retire at 50 with a law enforcement retirement? A: As a rule, periods of…
Q. Does my retirement date get postponed if I use leave without pay? A. Only if you exceed six months of LWOP in a calendar year.