Q: I am a firefighter under the Federal Employees Retirement System holding a secondary position with a service computation date of 2003. I retired from the Air Force after 20 years of military service. I have a number of questions. Would it be prudent for me to buy back my military time, which would allow me to retire early from civil service? If I do buy back my military time and retire, would I lose my military retirement check? Part of my retirement is a 40 percent service-connected disability from the Veterans Affairs Department. The other half is from the…
Browsing: disability
Q: I was told by my physician that I will probably have to go on temporary disability. Is this allowed as a Federal Employees Retirement System employee? If this happens, will I have to use leave during this time, and if not, would I still get my regular wage? A: The federal government doesn’t have a short-term disability benefit. To be eligible for disability retirement, you would need to have a disabling condition that 1) prevented you from performing useful and efficient service in your current position or another position at the same pay level in your commuting area, and…
Q: I retired on Federal Employees Retirement System disability about 5 years ago. I then went to work part-time for a private company and have been there for 3 years. I have ALS, a neurological disease that is progressive, and I will die from it within the next couple of years. I can no longer work at my private company. My private company is encouraging me to use their long-term disability insurance and retire. I feel a bit strange about taking advantage of the private insurance when I already receive FERS disability. Is there anything illegal about taking two disability…
Q: I am a Civil Service Retirement System employee who is now receiving a disability pension. What happens if I am able to go back to work but the Postal Service doesn’t have any openings and I can get a job in the private sector? I am 57 years old with 28 years with the postal service. Do I have to wait until I am 60 or 62 years of age to retire (deferred retirement)? Also, is there an earnings limit if I retire as a civil service retiree like there is under Social Security? A: If your disability annuity…
Q: Do I have to pay taxes on my disability annuity if I am totally disabled and unable to perform any work at any job? Is this information shown on my 1009-D/R? A: There isn’t any federal tax exemption unless you are totally disabled for all gainful employment. Since that is not a determination that can be made by the Office of Personnel Management, you’ll need to check with the IRS to learn if you qualify. Check with your local IRS office or go to http://www.irs.gov.
Q: I am retired from the Army and receive retired pay and disability pay. I am also a civilian employee under the Federal Employees Retirement System. When I am eligible to retire, will I be paid my military retired pay, disability pay, retirement pay as a civilian employee and also receive my Social Security? Would it be advantageous to sell back my military time to incorporate it into my civilian time under FERS? If I do sell back my military time, do I forfeit continuance of my military retired pay? A: If you retire without making a deposit to the…