Q: I was a federal firefighter from 1999 until 2004, when I left federal service to accept a different job. I withdrew my FERS deposit. I am looking to return to the federal fire service as a firefighter shortly and would like to redeposit my FERS (with interest). If I redeposit into FERS, will that time (five years) be counted toward my eligibility to retire at age 51, when I have 20 years of service? I am and I’ve worked in a non-covered [LEO/FF] FERS position since 2008. A: Yes, it will if you redeposit that money plus accrued interest.
Browsing: firefighter
Q: I have five years, four months active duty that I believe I can buy back toward a federal retirement. I also have eight years as an engineer/paramedic for Marin County. Can I buy back any of my county time as a firefighter? A: No, you can’t.
Q: I am a firefighter and I spent 4.5 years as GS-7 —at least three of that in a primary position. I have resigned to move to another state with my spouse. If I get back into an 0081 position, does the three years start over and have to be completed again before entering into a secondary position to remain in the special retirement? A: No, it doesn’t. You would be able to pick up where you left off.
Q: Can we hire a current Veterans Affairs Department employee who is a well-qualified police officer (now serving under the regular Federal Employees Retirement System) as a firefighter if he is 58 years old? He also happens to be preference-eligible. Are we required to do a waiver for his age, which would mean he would retire at age 78? Is there an option for him to elect the regular retirement system and work as long as he wants? What if he’s not interested in retiring and just wants to work for a while? A: Under 5 USC 3307, agencies are…
Q. I am a federal firefighter working in a secondary position under FERS. I will reach the minimum retirement age (MRA) of 57 in three years. At that time, I will have 12 years of federal service as a firefighter in the secondary position. I have never worked in a primary position. Can I retire when I reach the MRA? A. You will be able to retire under the MRA+10 provision (minimum retirement age plus at least 10 years of service). Your annuity will be calculated under the standard formula and be reduced by 5 percent for every year you are under age 62.…
Q. Do combinations of the federal fire fighter, law enforcement, and air traffic controller years qualify for the required 20 years needed to allow for the special annuity benefit? Also can air traffic control years qualify to offset the maximum hiring age for entry into a federal law enforcement position? A. No and no
Q. My husband is retiring under mandatory firefighter retirement (age 57 with 34 years of service). We were told at an agency-sponsored retirement training that his health insurance premiums were deducted pretax. It was recommended that I go on his health insurance because of this (I will also be a federal retiree but not firefighter). Now it has come time for him to retire and we are being told this isn’t true. Can you help? A. If your husband was having his premiums paid with pretax dollars, an arrangement called “premium conversion,” then the advice he had was sound. If…
Q: For those covered under the law enforcement provision of the Federal Employees Retirement System, is the Social Security earnings test applied toward funds received from their Thrift Savings Plan if those amounts exceed the earnings test for the special law enforcement officer/firefighter Social Security supplement after their minimum retirement age? A: No. The Social Security earnings test only applies to earnings from wages or self-employment.
Q: Can nine years as a Marin County, Calif., firefighter count toward a federal retirement? A: No, it can’t.
Q: I got hired in the Defense Department fire service as a GS 0099 student trainee (firefighter) in 2006. When I started I was scheduled to work a full 72-hour work week and was not restricted from any duties. All my retirement codes were “M” for special retirement. In 2009, most of the 0099 SF 50 codes were changed to “K,” but not all of them: Four of my SF 50s are still “M.” Does it matter the series number for special retirement? I need to know the proper code. A: It makes a tremendous difference. “M” is the code…