Q. I worked for the Defense Department from 1976 to 1985 under CSRS. I withdrew my contributions at that time but find in talking with an Internal Revenue Service agent about another subject that she could see a deferred annuity. Could this be from sick leave that had accrued that I would not get paid out for, or could it be from the employer match of my contributions? A. Because you withdrew your retirement contributions when you left government, you wouldn’t be eligible for any retirement benefit.
Browsing: IRS
Q. I plan to retire this year under CSRS. I am interested in obtaining a seasonal position with the Internal Revenue Service. I will not receive a buyout. How long do I need to wait to be re-employed by the federal government? A. You would have to be off the rolls for three days. FYI: If you take a federal job after retiring, the salary of your new position may be offset by the amount of your annuity. Before taking a seasonal job with the IRS, you’ll need to check with their personnel office to see if that rule will…
Q. I am a 63-year-old Air Force civilian employee and have been employed since Sept. 2, 2008. With no break in service, I was employed by the Internal Revenue Service as a seasonal employee for approximately eight months since Feb. 20, 2008. Being a seasonal employee, I was not able to have Federal Employees Health Benefits. But I took out the coverage once I transferred over to full time with the Air Force. If I retire in February, would I be able to take my health benefits with me, or would I have to wait until September? A. The rule…
Q. I am 46 with 22 years of service, and have been told that I will soon receive a letter of directed reassignment to a job in my same grade far outside my commuting area. When the letter arrives, if I should decline to move to the new position, what are my options for drawing retirement? How about insurance? Severance pay? What about my 401(k) in the Thrift Savings Plan? My performance ratings are not an issue. A. Reg: Because you wouldn’t meet the age and service requirements to retire, you’d only have one option. If you didn’t take a refund of…
Q. I am 64 years old and will have five years of federal service in February. But for the first seven months (until September 2008), I was a seasonal employee for the Internal Revenue Service, until I became reinstated and was permanent full time. I could then sign up for my Federal Employees Health Benefit plan under FERS. One catch: I don’t have the five straight years of coverage under FEHB (I’m still nine months short). Can I retire in February and carry my health benefits into retirement, even though I don’t have five years of coverage? Or do I…
Q. I am 47 years old and worked for the post office for three years. During that time, I bought back my military service time of eight years. Am I eligible to someday get that retirement for the 11 years? If not, will I be reimbursed what it cost to buy back my time? Is the Thrift Savings Plan a separate entity, and when can I start receiving that? I’m currently working away from the federal realm. A. Reg: No, you wouldn’t be eligible for an annuity because you didn’t have at least five years of actual civilian service. If…
Q. When I retire under FERS, can I get all of my Thrift Savings Plan monies, Social Security and my annuity? Can I roll over my TSP monies without paying 30 percent of the total to the Internal Revenue Service? If so, what amount of tax-deferred monies, once rolled over, can I take out monthly without a penalty or have to pay taxes? A. Reg: Yes, you can receive an annuity and, unless you retire under the MRA+10 provision, the special retirement supplement, when you reach your minimum retirement age. Unless you exceed the Social Security earnings limit from wages…
Q. If I take the $15,000 retirement incentive being offered now, (I have 25 years under FERS, am a Postal Service employee, and am 64 years old), will my Blue Cross premiums go up? If so, by how much? I now pay $81.68 a month. Also, if I decide to get married, my family option now would be $203.61 a month. How much would these premiums be if I take the retirement incentive? I must make the decision by Dec. 3. Is the FERS pension amount taxed? If so, is it taxed by income and Federal Insurance Contributions Act? My…
Q. My service date is June 22, 1987, giving me 25 years of government service. I am under FERS; however, I am 43. If I take the early out my agency is offering, will my pension be penalized because I am under the age of retirement? Would my TSP lose value if I leave early? Would my monthly annuity be reduced under FERS? Would the IRS apply the 10 percent penalty tax because I have not reached the appropriate age to begin my withdrawals? Or does this not apply under the early out? A. The age penalty on a FERS…
Q. I am a former federal employee and would like to roll over my FERS contributions to my new employer-sponsored plan. The plan, however, requires advanced approval before the rollover can be accepted. To initiate the preapproval process, I must provide a letter from the custodian or a recent account statement that provides the member’s name, plan type, account number, balance and contact number and the fund custodian’s mailing address. Where can I get this letter or account statement? A. Most applicants just request a refund of their retirement contributions and have them sent to them. Then they give the…