Browsing: nonappropriated funds

Q. I am 54 and have 24 years with the federal government. I will hit my 25-year mark in November, when I also turn 55. If early-outs are offered, will I be eligible to retire being that I won’t hit 25 years until after October? Also, prior to working for the federal government, I worked for five years with nonappropriated funds. I was originally told by human resources that those years would count toward my service computation. This year, I requested a retirement estimate from HR, and they say those five years don’t count. Is this correct? A. If you…

Q. I have been a GS (FERS) employee for 22 years, age 44. I currently work for the Department of Homeland Security. I want to work overseas again (I worked for the Defense department in Germany about 10 years ago) and found a job that seems like a perfect fit. The problem is that it’s a nonappropriated fund job. When transferring from a non-DoD GS job to a NAF job: Will I still earn five weeks of annual leave per year? Will my sick leave balance transfer over? Would I still make contributions to FERS and TSP? When transferring back from…

Q. If I worked as a nonappropriated funds employee flex for six months and then was hired as a regular part-time employee for a year and a half, then transferred over to a full-time GS federal employee with no break in service at all. I used four annual leave days only then I went into my federal full-time job. I have been told that they are counting my NAF time in with my federal, but I still missing that year and a half. How can I get this taken care of and will they count my flex time as well?…

Q: Can my time as a nonappropriated fund employee be used toward retirement now that I work in a GS position? I worked twice as a NAF employee with a break in service, and I have been trying to get credit for that time. I received an e-mail today saying that because there was a service break of more than three days, my time will not count. A: Your agency is correct. Your NAF time isn’t creditable if you had a break in service of more than three calendar days.

Q: I may be transitioning to nonappropriated-funds employment. I would be keeping my Federal Employees Retirement System status. There is no provision for me to stay enrolled in the Federal Employees Health Benefits program while I am a NAF employee. When I retire (under FERS), can I re-enroll in FEHB and have the premiums deducted from my pension? This is a make-or-break issue for me. A: No, you won’t be able to re-enroll.