Browsing: time in service

Q. I now have 2½ years of government service and am 66. When I retire in 2½ years, I’ll have five years with the government. Will I get the option to retain my Federal Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Alabama health insurance? If I would rather quit working for the government in one year, do I lose the opportunity to keep my federal BC/BS of Alabama coverage? I have total time in government employment today of only three years. I am contemplating quitting next year. What is the impact to my federal BC/BS insurance coverage? I signed up for Medicare Part…

Q. I am a FERS-covered permanent part-time employee (64 hours per pay period), age 64, and will have five years of civil service employment in September. I retired from the U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps with 31 years, seven months of service. It has been suggested to me that by making a Federal Employees Retirement System payment for the time over 30 years (one year and seven months), I could add that time to my length of service for my FERS annuity calculation. Is this true, and how do I go about doing that? A. To get credit for…

Q: I’m retired Army chief warrant officer 3 and worked 13 years as an Army contractor. I’ve been in civil service for nine months as a logistics management specialist. Can my 13 years of contracting time in a job similar to what I do presently be counted toward pay and leave time for the civil service? If so, what forms do I need to submit? I am getting conflicting information. A: No, it can’t.