Q: I transferred to the inactive Naval Reserve in August 1994 with 20 years of service, and I still draw retirement from the Navy. I work for the U.S. Postal Service (under FERS) and I am eligible to retire from the Postal Service in August 2012 with approximately 15 years of service. I know of one individual who claims to have combined his retirement from the Air Force with his retirement from the FAA several years ago. He was Civil Service when he retired from the FAA. What are my options at retirement from the Postal Service? Is there a specific way that I need to set up my retirement that would be beneficial to me?
A: Employees always have the option of making a deposit to the civilian retirement system for any years of active-duty service in the military. As a FERS-covered employee, doing so would not only increase your civilian service time but be used in the computation of your annuity. The amount of the deposit would be 3 percent of your basic pay while on active duty, not including any allowances or differentials you may have received, plus accrued interest. Making that deposit would have no effect on any reserve retired pay to which you are entitled. Check this website’s back file for directions on how to find what you owe and how to make the payments, if you decide to do that.