Q: From 1983-98 I worked full time for government – CSRS retirement (15 years). From 1998-2000 I worked part time for government – FICA
2000 – went to work full time again for governement, was placed in FERS automatically. A few months later I was told I should have been CSRS offset and sent a letter that allowed me to opt into FERS, the letter scared me, saying that there could be substantial amounts reduced from my pay. I was never counseled on the best retirement plan in my case. At that time, I was going through a divorce (NOVember 2000) and was on anti-depressants and really was not able to make such a big decision on my own and the postmaster told me to sign the form for FERS, so I signed for FERS. For the last 10 years, by retirement showed as FERS only. Then I received a letter stating I was FERS with frozen CSRS and that I fall under FERRCA as I was erroneously placed in FERS instead of the appropriate retirement plan. I have researched a lot now and feel that I should have been in CSRS Offset all along and if appropriately advised would have been there. Is there anything I can do?
A: Your agency is responsible for processing any cases identified as being affected under FERCCA after Aug. 1, 2004. To see how the process operates, go to www.opm/retire/pre/fercca/index.asp.