Q: I’m a CSRS employee with more than 30 years of service. I’m a Series 0343, and work in the HQDA G-1. My HQDA G-1 supervisor allowed me to deploy for the previous two years, one in Iraq and one in Afghanistan. I work Logistics in Afghanistan, and my plan all along was to gain the
experience to allow me to change my specialty from Series 0343 to Series
0346. I’m due to return to HQDA G-1 soon, but would prefer to remain
deployed. I’m pretty certain that me HQDA G-1 supervisor will not agree to my remaining deployed. Can I request LWOP from HQDA G-1 and remain in Afghanistan in a temporary position? If so, how does that affect my permanent status, such as Annual Leave, Sick Leave, retirement, etc.? If I request to remain deployed, can the HQDA G-1 disapprove it? Lastly, do I have any viable options which will allow me to remain deployed as a DAC without adversely affecting my permanent status, and my HQDA G-1 position?
A: You can request LWOP and, if it is granted, you’d receive full credit for up to six months in any calendar year. Yes, your agency can disapprove your request. The decision is completely up to them and isn’t appealable. As for your last question, none that I know of.